Saturday, February 12, 2011

Trek Across The World: Day 7

Well, I am certainly behind. 
It's really hard to stay updated on here as well as write in my journal about each day's events, on top of each day's events; however, I am trying. 

The past few days: painting, painting, painting. I am really not too fond of painting, but what I continually tell myself is that  everything I do is for the glory of God. So, all I can do is willingly serve and do what is asked of me. 

Last night I was fortunate enough to be asked to go to Managua with Martita to visit her family and spend some time away, seeing the city. It really was nice to be away from and out of the base, leave my computer behind, and relax some. Interestingly enough I am actually very tired at the end of this day...the sun really kills me down here. But, some about my time there:

-staying in the home of Martita's tio (uncle)
- getting some time to really focus on my Spanish while I talked with Martita before bed
-seeing a movie, in English!
experiencing a true cultural aspect of Nicaragua...cramming as many people as possible into a van to get back to Diriamba (I think there were literally close to 30 people in that van! )

Also, I was informed that I am pretty much going to need to have my own little lesson plan for teaching, ways that I can effectively teach the kids some of the basics of English...crap. Hearing this news put a whole new twist on my feelings and this, along with returning to the base to encounter about 15 new people, I am overwhelmed with the exact same feeling that I had my very first day here: scared and alone. There have been so many ups and downs of this trip so far and I truly just need Jesus to lift me up from this yet again. 

Please keep me in your prayers!

Hanna Linden


  1. Strrreeetch!!! :-) You can do it honey!!!! Hang in there and know that we're praying for you!

  2. You're not alone Hanna! God is right there with you and working through you. Keep on lovin' :)

  3. Hey girl, just found your blog. We are praying for you. God will use you in mighty ways!
