Friday, March 18, 2011

Home At Last

The past month and a half has been ridiculously crazy and it came and went faster than I can even explain. Delayed flights, Nicaragua, beautiful children, a mind in half Spanish-mode, new friends, platanos, climbing volcanos, God totally capturing my heart, a sad goodbye, a loving homecoming, only unpacking what needed to be washed and repacked for Florida three days later, a much needed vacation with my amazing family, swimming with dolphins and saltwater fish, fulfilling my lifelong dream of petting and feeding a real-live giraffe, defying the five (five huge roller coasters at Busch Gardens), seeing a re-enactment of Jesus' crucifixion and resurrection, the Justin Bieber swoop, sticking my foot in my mouth too many times to count, sunbathing, burnt skin, getting tan, deep sea fishing, the longest game of UNO ever, delicious food and better company, returning to snow...yuck, the feel of rapidly approaching Spring :)


I've been so overly blessed the past few weeks that everything seems like it was nothing more than the best dream ever. I have a constant joy and reassurance because the Lord is with me always and I just have this huge pull in my heart that makes me hope to glorify God in absolutely everything I do. 

God Bless.

Hanna Linden

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Trek Across The World: Mission Complete


February 28, 2011: Day 23
Today was a difficult Monday. For some reason I was just superly tired; I think those little ninos wear me out! Today was also a day of great reflection for me. I took some time this evening to totally seclude myself and talk with God about all of the things on my heart and just pour out to Him. It's so comforting to me that  He is always there to listen and cares more than anyone else ever could (:

Though sorrow may last through the night, joy comes in the morning. Psalm 30:5

March 1, 2011: Day 24
I did awake this morning with more joy in my heart than when I went to bed last night. My constant prayer this morning is that God would continue to fill my heart with joy in everything. With each passing day and my time with the kids I fall more and more in love with them and realize just how hard leaving is going to be. A very cool thing about today was that the DTS speakers of the week (Rachel's parents) asked if they could pray over me, and in addition they told me that they had gotten Word from God about me. I have never been prophesied over, but what each of them told me was spot on with the worries that has been weighing so heavily upon my heart last night. Now, to me, that isn't just coincidence...that's God. Hearing their words just gave such comfort to my soul and made me see how much the Lord really does care about me.

March 2, 2011: Day 24
Today I started off in not the best of moods. I got the biggest pang of missing home that I have ever felt since being here, I dropped and shattered a plate at lunch, and my emotions were crazy. I finally got myself together after lunch and regained my joy and passion as soon as I got to class; I have to embrace every moment with those kids! We also has a killer game of baseball before team won (:

March 3, 2011: Day 25
Today, in my morning class, I was greeted so enthusiastically with "Hola profe!" (hello teacher) and many hugs! Also, we reviewed everything that I had taught since being here, and the kids remember so much! I was thoroughly pleased. This afternoon was my last class with the kids, so we had some candy and games and I had to say my final goodbyes to them which just broke my heart. Being that this afternoon was also the DTS's free afternoon, a group of us went out to get some ice cream and just get off of the base...these are the friends that have become my family and I will miss so much. I also sat in on one of the DTS classes today and it was really fantastic, about pleasing God. The lesson really got me thinking about what I am doing with my life and if the tasks I am striving to accomplish are things that are going to be lasting in heaven. I just want God to be pleased with my life more than anything.

Two are better than one,
because they have a good return for their work:
If one falls down,
his friend can help him up.
But pity the man who falls
and has no one to help him up!"
Ecclesiastes 4:9-10

March 4, 2011: Day 26
My morning class was so great today, like always. They made me a big card in which each nino stenciled a picture and attempted to write their name, and also one little girl made a special card for me with a picture of herself a a Bible verse in it. We had ice cream and candy and just a fun day, the end of this class too was very difficult for me. My heart breaks for leaving. On a more positive note, we had children's ministry this afternoon so I got to see many of the kids one last time. Also, before dinner we got a fun game of volleyball going which felt really good to partake in. Because it was family night, dinner was kind of special. We all ate outside under the pavilion and it was delicious! After dinner we still had many festivities to come: team building games, a special dancer, worshiping Jesus together, a short message, being prayer over by one of the DTS girls, receiving a gift from Martita and being prayed over by Cori and all of the children, DTS vs. School of the Bible games, a pinata  especially for my leaving, clean-up, and a dance party. Overall this was a simply fantastic day!!

March 5, 2011: Day 27
My last day today. Andy, Veronica, and I left after brunch today to head for Messiah to do a little bit of gift purchasing. It was really nice to be off the base for a while today. When we got back to the base I was informed that I had about 20 minuted to get packed and be ready to be picked up to head for Managua for the night. I literally threw all of my dirty clothes in heaps in to my suitcase, which had some trouble closing. The biggest bummer was the realization that all of the DTS girls had gone to Jinotepe for the afternoon and I wouldn't get to say goodbye to them. A few sad goodbyes and a peanut butter and banana sandwich later and we were headed off the base and towards Managua. We attended a church service and they prayed over me, which was a good feeling...that even people who don't even know me care about me so much just because I am their sister in Christ (:

March 6, 2011: Homeward Bound
Awoke - 4:00 am
Left the house - 4:30 am
Cost of the taxi ride - 220 cordobas
Time standing in line for baggage check - 40 min
Current emotions:
       1. super sad
       2. nervous
       3. homesick
       4. excited
Arrival time to Houston - 10:25 am
Arrival time to Chicago - 3:50 pm
Arrival time to Wausau - 7:10 pm
Those greeting me upon my return:
     -Kylie (birthday girl)

(A few) Things I learned from this trip:
  • I am never alone, God is always with me
  • I am so fortunate (to have a fantastic bed, flushing toilets, hot water, and washing and drying machines to name a few!)
  • Teaching English as a foreign language is something that I truly enjoy
  • Nicaragua will always be in my heart
  • Platanos are stinkin' amazing
  • Latinos speak insanely fast
  • As sad as I was to come home, I now understand that God is going to continue to use me in bigger ways than I even know; and the impact that those people had on my during my time in Nicaragua will forever be a part of me <3

Love always,
Hanna Linden

Monday, February 28, 2011

Trek Across The World: Day 22

This is the first day of my last week here.

But I need to do some
Updates from the week

February 22, 2011: Day 17
This day brought about some realizations from my past and some good connections that I had never before made. My heart aches for the people that I hold close to my heart that don't know Jesus when I know they need them; I suppose that I where I am asking God to use me
A verse that captivated me:
"God had planned something better for us so that only together with us would they be made perfect." Hebrews 11:40

February 23, 2011: Day 18
Tonight was a Glee night. Once or twice a week I go with three other people to one guys house and we watch Glee and eat junk food, it's a good time. School is going so good, I just love those kids...and I am getting better at comprehending their pre-schooler Spanish.


February 24, 2011: Day 19
Today nothing super fantastic or overly amazing happened (at least not according to my journal). However, each day is just another day that God has given me the ability to be here and spend my time learning and growing and teaching and bonding. So today was still another good day (:

February 25, 2011: Day 20
I received two packages from my family today, it was like Christmas! They were packed with goodies and stuff for the ninos. My big feat from today was exercising for the first stinkin' time since I have been here! I ran, and ran some more, and got bit in the butt by our stupid base dogs; that's what I get for being proactive. Ha.

February 26, 2011: Day 21
Today was by far the biggest adventure since I have been here. I climbed a volcano (SO hard!) and went zip-lining. I will let some pictures speak for themselves...however, pictures don't really do something that amazing much justice.

February 27, 2011: Day 22
One week left. Plans for this Sunday were a little back and forth and a little last minute, but that is Nicaragua for you. I ended up going to the bario Bible study with Martita but it was my turn to lead. I felt that Romans chapter 8 would be a really good chapter to share and discuss with the women; a verse that I really love from this chapter:
"I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us. "

The rest of the day was just spent doing laundry, cleaning and trying to relax my very tired legs from the weekend's events.

Hanna Linden

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Trek Across The World: Day 16

February 16, 2011: Day 11
The days are less stressful after realizing that my main purpose with the kids is to show them God's love. Each day, somehow, seems to get better and better as I see Jesus in everything and He is always present. Also, I skyped with Brin which was probably a highlight of today.

February 17, 2011: Day 12
I sat in on some of the DTS classes today which were fantastic, about sin. I am getting much closer and building better relationships with the people here at the base too, which I love. We are all here for the same purpose after all, to love God and make Him known to others.

February 18, 2011: Day 13
On this Friday, I awoke thinking I didn't have school because children's ministry started, but actually I did have school in the morning only. After all of the people filtered out of the base from the afternoon, I showed one little boy the photo booth on my computer...well, a few pictures with one boy soon turned in to tons of pictures with a bunch of people.
Fun With Photo Booth:


February 19, 2011: Day 14
Today we spent a day at the beach. This would include filling a 15 passenger van with close to 30 people on the way there, as well as riding a bus home that was packed at about capacity times 1.5; I literally could not move and my neck was smashed against the baggage rack, but hey, that's all part of the experience right? Also, it was one of the guys last night here so we went out for dessert and cacau (the best chocolate drink ever; I've been told it's Nicaragua in a drink form)

February 20, 2011: Day 15
Today was a good day of church, a little site seeing (just a beautiful Catholic church) and doing more laundry (: I actually really enjoy doing my laundry here, the old fashioned way of scrubbing in a basin and hanging them out on the line to dry. Also, my time here is half way done. But I can't keeping looking at it that way because I know that God has so much more planned for me still to come.

February 21, 2011: Day 16
My second week of school began today! I am loving it soo much and the kids are growing more and more find of me, at least I think. All of the girls especially...they all run to hold my hand when walking from place to place, goodness they are so cute. Que mas? I went in to the town for the first time semi on my own, just with a girl who assists with the afternoon pre-school class; that was kind of exciting. 

I don't want to leave, but the exciting news is that my family is going to try to plan a visit here if we are able to go on vacation this coming Christmas. I would love to see everyone again. 
Es todo por ahora.
Please keep me in your prayers. Much love.

"You did not choose Me but I chose you."
John 15:16

Hanna Linden

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Trek Across The World: Day 10

Successful Sunday

 Today was a good day. 
1. Sunday morning church and fantastic worship in Spanish that I actually understood !
2. I washed my own clothes...the old fashioned way, in a wash basin and hung out on the line to dry !

3. Home-made guacamole !

First Day of School
The first day of school was actually kind of stressful for me, I am always nervous about my English class and what and how I am going to teach. Today, however, I was reading my bible before class began, and God really just spoke to my heart reassuring me that the most important thing that I can teach these children is about the crazy love of God. And even if I am not directly teaching them, everything I do can reflect the love of our Lord. After that reassurance, my class today was SO much better and the remainder of my time here has obtained a new purpose. I just have to love these kids like God loves them. 

And, this afternoon I went along with the DTS and the School of the Bible to do a Bible distribution. In total we gave out about 30 or 40 Bibles to different homes around the city. Praise God for His work through us today !

A fantastic verse from today:
"The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still.” exodus 14:14

Hanna Linden

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Trek Across The World: Day 7

Well, I am certainly behind. 
It's really hard to stay updated on here as well as write in my journal about each day's events, on top of each day's events; however, I am trying. 

The past few days: painting, painting, painting. I am really not too fond of painting, but what I continually tell myself is that  everything I do is for the glory of God. So, all I can do is willingly serve and do what is asked of me. 

Last night I was fortunate enough to be asked to go to Managua with Martita to visit her family and spend some time away, seeing the city. It really was nice to be away from and out of the base, leave my computer behind, and relax some. Interestingly enough I am actually very tired at the end of this day...the sun really kills me down here. But, some about my time there:

-staying in the home of Martita's tio (uncle)
- getting some time to really focus on my Spanish while I talked with Martita before bed
-seeing a movie, in English!
experiencing a true cultural aspect of Nicaragua...cramming as many people as possible into a van to get back to Diriamba (I think there were literally close to 30 people in that van! )

Also, I was informed that I am pretty much going to need to have my own little lesson plan for teaching, ways that I can effectively teach the kids some of the basics of English...crap. Hearing this news put a whole new twist on my feelings and this, along with returning to the base to encounter about 15 new people, I am overwhelmed with the exact same feeling that I had my very first day here: scared and alone. There have been so many ups and downs of this trip so far and I truly just need Jesus to lift me up from this yet again. 

Please keep me in your prayers!

Hanna Linden

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Trek Across The World: Day 3

Update on yesterday: I caught a shuttle bus from the hotel at 7:00 am, re-went through the luggage check-in and security and caught my flight at 9:05. I landed right on time at about 12:20 in the afternoon and was super excited because the view, from the plane at least, was fantastic! So upon landing, I became aware that basically all of the airport staff spoke only Spanish, so going through Customs was a tad scary. But, I made it (: 
Martita was the lady from JUCUM (YWAM) who picked me up, after my searching and waiting around in a place where I knew no one and no one could really help it was such a relief to see her! Moises, our taxi driver was very nice and brought us to our final destination (finally!) which, surprisingly, is out of Managua and up in a smaller city in the mountains...simply gorgeous.

My first full day here...
Today I had the morning to recuperate and just relax and do kind of whatever I felt like doing. The girls I am rooming with have to be up early for school in the morning to I was up and getting ready around 8:00 am. I spent the morning reading my Bible as well as a fantastic book that Jaci gave me. After getting bored of reading I decided to see of the ladies in the kitchen needed help making lunch. So, I ended up helping them cut up veggies for the salad and wash dishes. After a delicious lunch I was taken in to the city to exchange my money, and I was given a little info about it and a brief outline of where different places were located, although those didn't stick. 
When we returned, I helped Nati paint the desks for the school, it took all afternoon! Finally, around dinnertime, I headed in full of paint. Then after dinner I got to go back in to the town to buy some breakfast foods (since the 6:30 am breakfast here is much too early for me to start my day!) that I can keep in a personal kitchen and make my own foods if I wish to. Now, this evening, I have some free time to do as I please, as will I just about every night. My Spanish has already gotten better just from yesterday to today and I know it will continue to. Also, I am just so happy about the relationships that I am already forming with the people here (: I am continually see the power and importance of prayer and praise to our God Most High! I cannot wait for what He still has in store.

My dirty feet after an afternoon of painting...icky.

"Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen. It gives us assurance about things we cannot see." Hebrews 11:1

Hanna Linden